Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Product Review
All products sold must be approved by Vegas Events & More, LLC (hereinafter known as the promoter). The promoter reserves the right to prohibit any product line or vendor deemed distasteful, offensive or dangerous to the event. Vendor must list all items to be sold on the "Event Application". Failure to do so, may result in the vendor having to remove these items at the event.
Booth Location
Spots will be assigned by the promoter as they see fit. The promoter will do it's best to meet the needs of the vendor but vendor must realize that the promoter has final say in booth location.
Limited Vendors
The promoter will only allow one vendor per company (i.e. Avon, Origami Owl, Tupperware etc.) The promoter also has the right to limit product lines (i.e. jewelry, candles, clothing etc.) to ensure a variety of vendors/product lines are represented at the event.

Booth Splitting
The promotor allows only one vendor/business per spot. Splitting a booth is prohibited unless the vendor has written consent from the promoter.
Booth Staffing
Vendor's booth must be staffed at all times. In the instance that a vendor must leave, such as bathroom break, food run etc. Vendor is responsible for their booth and products while they are gone.
Cancellation & Refund Policy

The Vendor may cancel in writing 14 days or more before the show date and receive a full refund. Promoter has up to 30 days from the date of the event to process the refund. Cancellations made 13 days or less from the show date are NOT REFUNDABLE for any reason. No refunds or credits will be awarded. The promoter is not responsible for weather, illness, death, natural disaster etc. that may affect the vendor from participating in the show on the day of the event. NO Refunds or Credits will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Credits on your account will expire in one year from the date of the event you canceled if not used and will not be refundable.  Any credits on your account that have been requested in writing to be changed to a cash refund and will be processed within 90 days of the request.

If an event is canceled for any unforeseen reason such as Weather, Natural Disaster, Government mandates, orders etc. there will be no refunds or credits awarded.

Any vendor tearing down and leaving early without permission will risk exclusion from future shows.  If vendor leaves early without permission, vendors will not be able to participate in any future events.  Any future event applications will be canceled and any payments made will be refunded within 30 days from after the canceled show. 

Credits on your account will expire after 1 year if unused.

Failure to occupy your space
If the vendor does not occupy the assigned space within 30 minutes prior to the opening of the event, the promoter reserves the right to sell the space or use it as they see fit with no obligation or refund to the vendor.
Event Set up
The promoter will email out loading instructions, set up times etc. within 48 hours prior to the event. Vendor must be set up and ready prior to the start time of the event. All supplies, containers, carts etc., must be removed or stored hidden from view. Vendor is responsible for anything needed to conduct their business, such as payment options, lights, displays etc. Event contract may list features provided by the promoter such as WIFI, Electric, Tables etc. depending on the venue/event. Vendor should not assume these are offered at every event and have alternative options to ensure their success.
Event Space
Vendor has the right to design their space as they see fit. They may use any tables, racks, grid wall etc. All items and displays must fit in your assigned spot. Items may not block walkways or fire exits. Table spots are limited to what fits on the table. No addition racks or displays can be added to any other area than the table itself.
Guest Attendance
The promoter has no control over actual guest attendance or promises any specific results. Although the promoter does have an advertising budget based on the event size, we are all in this together to make the most successful show possible. Please invite friends, family, customers etc. Post the event on your websites, Facebook pages and groups. The power of a great show can greatly be magnified if we all work together.
Liability and Insurance
The vendor should obtain insurance for their business at their own expense if desired. The promoter and venue are not liable for the loss, injury or damage to any person(s) and/or product(s).
Laws and Regs
The vendor is responsible for all knowledge of laws, regulations or ordinances pertaining to public safety and their business while participating in the event. Compliance is mandatory and the sole responsibility of the vendor.
No smoking is allowed at the event except in designated areas.
Vendor is responsible to keep their space neat and clean at all times. You must dispose of your own trash and leave your space as clean as when you arrived within 2 hours of event closing. Nothing may be taped, nailed, stapled etc. to any property of the venue.
Change of Event
The promoter has the right to make any changes necessary as they see fit for the benefit of the event. In the event the venue closes its doors, acts of God, COVID, or other unforeseen events, the promoter has the right to change the location, duration or terminate the event. Vendor will be refunded or offered to apply payment to another event if the event is cancelled.
Duration of Event
All events will have a specific start and end time. The vendor agrees to be present at their booth for the entire time. The promoter has the sole discretion to allow a vendor to leave early. The promoter at their discretion may refund all, none or a portion of payment if the promoter decides to cut the event short. Vendor understands they are under contract to stay for the entire event unless otherwise decided or approved by the promoter. If a vendor leaves early without approval, they will forfeit all rights to a refund and any opportunity to do another event with the promoter.
Sales Tax
Per the Nevada Department of Taxation, it is the promoter's responsibility to record and collect all sales tax for any items sold at the event. Each vendor will receive instructions and paperwork regarding this process prior to the event starting. The vendor will be responsible for tracking all sales and collecting the appropriate sales tax.
Photo and Video Release
The promoter may take video, photos etc. of the event, vendor booths, products etc. and use them as they see fit. These may be used but not limited to event promotion, marketing material, Facebook, websites or other things. Vendor understand these become property of the promotor and acknowledges their consent to use such items. The promoter also agrees any marketing material such as fliers, Facebook posts, or other advertisement may be used by the vendor to share to promote events by the promoter.
The promoter has a strict no solicition policy. Promoters, vendors or other individuals are not allowed to solicit, poach or promote other vendors for events not sponsored by Vegas Events and More. Outside solicitation is strictly prohibited.

These Policies and Procedures are on all our Vendor Applications and proceeded by the following statement before you submit the application:

By clicking the "Submit Event Application" button, the undersigned warrants that he or she has read the above and agrees to these terms for this event of Vegas Events and More, LLC.